Helpful Links

American Veterinarian Medical Association: A not-for-profit association representing veterinarians working in private and corporate practice, government, industry, academia, and uniformed services.
ANIMAL RESCUE AND ADOPTION WEBSITES Search adoptable pets with advanced search options.
Weimaraner Rescue of the South (WRS): An all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming of Weimaraners in need in Alabama, Mississippi, and parts of Louisiana, Tennessee, and Georgia.
Metairie Humane was founded by a group of concerned long-term Metairie residents who wanted to do something to improve the lives of all dogs.
Spaymart: SpayMart will enhance the lives of animals in the Greater New Orleans area and the Gulf Coast region through programs directed at education, adoption, rescue and low-cost spay/neuter.
These are our top recommended diets, click on the name below to learn more about product, nutrition, and the petfood company.
Veterinary Partner: Up-to-date information for doctors and pet owners about animal health, medications, therapies, surgery, behavior, or safety.
Parasite Prevention for Cats: You, Your Cat and Parasites.
Common Poisonous Plants: This list is intended as a guide to plants which are generally identified as having the capability of producing a toxic reaction.
Pet Poison Helpline: Did your dog or cat just eat something poisonous? Call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately. The sooner a dog poisoning or cat poisoning is diagnosed, the easier, less expensive, and safer it is to treat your pet.
Healthy Pet: An interactive online community for you and your pets!